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June 05, 2018

Spin crew

Another year has gone by and as always we hope you enjoyed our content. We will keep striving to publish more interesting articles also in the future and we thank all of our readers and all those who contributed to Spin. Happy summer holidays!

Un altro anno è passato e speriamo che vi siano piaciuti i nostri articoli. Continueremo ad impegnarci per pubblicare articoli interessati anche in futuro e ringraziamo i nostri lettori e tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a Spin. Buone vacanze estive !

Une autre année vient de passer comme toujours et nous espérons que vous avez aimé nos articles. A l’avenir nous lutterons pour la publication de nouveaux articles et nous remercions maintenant tous nos lecteurs et tous ceux qui ont contribué à Spin. Bonne été !


Ein anderes Jahr ist schon vorbei und wie immer wir hoffen, dass unsere Artikel euch gefallen haben. Wir werden uns bemühen, um neue interessantere Artikel in der Zukunft zu veröffentlichen. Wir bedanken alle unsere Leser und alle, die für Spin gearbeitet haben. Fröhliche Sommerurlaub!



June 05, 2018

Nadin Ghanem 4B ©

It was in April 2017 when Noura was deceived by her family to go back to her village and later handed over to the man she had been forced to marry. She was with him for only six days, and being unwilling to consummate the marriage, the young girl was brutally raped; this with the help of some of the relatives of her abuser, who held her down. "His brother and two cousins tried to reason with her, when she refused she was slapped and ordered into the room. One held her chest and head, the others held her legs," her lawyer Al-Imam told CNN. When her husband tried to have sex with her a second time the day after, she stabbed and killed him. Noura’s family, instead of defending her when she went to seek help, handed their daughter over to the police and disowned her.

Debating as a way of growing up

May 16, 2018

Martina Sclaverano, 4C ©

Our school’s debate club is considered by many students one of the highlights of Spinelli. It being an extracurricular activity doesn’t add pressure or restrictions like the normal courses, yet it can teach its participants important life lessons and significantly influence them in their everyday life.

There is no better way to know how significant the debate course is than to ask directly the students participating. Here is an interview carried out among students of different ages and classes on how debate impacted their life, both academically and personally.

Cogestione: istruisce o distrae?

April 10, 2018

Martina Sclaverano, 4C © Photo: Viola Munaretto, 4C ©

Due giorni l’anno, gli studenti nella maggior parte delle scuole superiori italiane hanno la possibilità di seguire corsi informali di apprendimento. Durante i giorni di “cogestione”, infatti, persone esterne alla scuola o gli alunni stessi organizzano corsi di attività che di solito non sono accessibili nel programma curricolare, in modo da proporre una giornata scolastica diversa dal solito. Tuttavia, mentre alcuni pensano che queste lezioni alternative debbano essere comunque finalizzate all’apprendimento, altri le ritengono semplici momenti di svago.

Gita in Bosnia ed Erzegovina

March 27, 2018

Rose Maya ©

Quest’anno la scuola ha deciso di offrire alle classi 4D, 4A e 4E una gita un po’ diversa dal solito. Da Torino siamo stati catapultati, dopo una ventina di ore in pullman, a Sarajevo, la capitale della Bosnia ed Erzegovina. Grazie alle guide di Deina (un'associazione culturale che organizza viaggi storici) e alle guide del posto, siamo riusciti a cogliere un ampio quadro di quello che è stata la Guerra di Bosnia e delle conseguenze che essa ha ancora oggi sul paese e sui suoi abitanti.

Dal  1992 al 1995 la Bosnia è stata teatro di una delle guerre più cruente e sanguinose dalla seconda guerra mondiale in Europa. Essa fu il risultato di molte tensioni geopolitiche all’interno della zona che allora era la Jugoslavia.

Strengths in the Italian school system and how we can improve it

March 22, 2018

Martina Sclaverano, 4C © Elizabeth Storer, 4D © Photo: Viola Munaretto, 4C ©

Each country has its own individual culture and peculiar traits, but where do they exactly stem from? Many believe that the way a population is educated deeply influences them and consequently affects their country. This is why it is so important to know the way someone has been brought up in order to understand their culture.

Therefore a country’s educational system can have more influence than what we imagine in defining a nation, by exposing its priorities and main focus.


March 20, 2018

Nadin Ghanem 4B ©

Could the young people protesting for gun control in the U.S. be a turning point for a revolution led by us - the future generation? There’s no doubt that we will have to deal with the problems adults have created so far.

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